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Choosing the right Law Course in 2024

There are many choices when thinking about choosing the right Law course for you in 2024 and beyond.

The British Management Academy academics have put together a simply overview of some of the UK’s most popular Law courses.

Law with German Degree

This course is ideal for any student wishing to become involved with the German language and law systems. The duration of the course is set at four years which provides the student with all the attributes needed to become successful in any area of the German law system. In year one the candidate will opt to choose from two sets of foundation modules aimed at giving you the skill sets required to complete the remainder of the course.

The two set of modules to choose from are either German Language Skills and German Oral Skills or German for Beginners 1 and German for Beginners 2. In year two the modules that are required to be completed are Gegenwartssprache 1 and also German Legal Systems. Year three will require the candidate to transfer abroad to one of our European partner universities and commence living their for a period of twelve months in an attempt to broaden the students understanding of the German Language and to gain experience in the German way of life.

On completion of the year abroad the student will then return for their final year where they will be completing their final modules on subjects such as Gegenwartssprache 2 and Law with German dissertation. All course work and dissertations shall be marked at the end of each academic year with all scores being tallied up towards the student’s final result. The candidate will then be required to sit a final set of exams which will be marked both internally and externally by an accredited examination body. We recommend Academic Law courses from reputable UK University institutions such as Liverpool University.

There will be many job opportunities for the successful student in a wide range of areas with some being a Translator in a European law firm or possibly an Administration Position. We recommended reviewing the German Language course resources.

Law with Criminology

This course is aimed at candidates who wish to focus their efforts within the specialized field of Criminology Law which is designed to give the student unprecedented knowledge of the workings of the criminal justice system. From courtroom to services of a more social nature this course will cover all aspects of this competitive and complex industry. Over the three year term of the course the student will undertake and complete various syllabuses in their attempt to become an expert in their field.

Year ones see the candidate study introductory modules such as Criminology and the Criminal Justice System. In year two the student will be asked to choose two of the following advanced subject modules such as Theories of Crime and Control, Crime and Justice in Modern Britain or Current Issues in Criminology. The third and final year of the course will be focused on more detailed and complex topics which include Regulating Society, Crime and Punishment and also Crime and Power.

The student will be required to show a complete understanding of all topic areas on completion of this course as well as sitting a final set of exams which will be marked both internally and externally be an accredited examination board. For the successful candidate there will be a wide variety of employment options open such as Business Relationships Manager, Project Manager, Account Manager or Paralegal among many others. Read our help with choosing the Right University guide.

Law with Accounting and Finance

This course is aimed at candidates who wish to proceed with a career in the finance world. This unique and informative course will require students to study core modules with the aim of achieving a qualifying law degree for professional purposes. Within the law course modules the student will face such modules as Commercial Law, Banking Law, Company Law and also Conflicts of Law. The student will then embark on advanced modules in everything finance.

The course has a three year duration with year one being aimed at Economics, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Economic and Financial Institutions. The second year will take the student deep into the world of finance with advanced modules on Financial Accounting, Finance and Management Accounting. In year three the course will take a new avenue of exploration as the candidate will delve into practice of Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice as well as the ever popular and complex issue of Taxation. We recommended reviewing the latest Business Management Qualification for some alternative inspiration.

The student will again be scored on their dissertations and general course work over the three year period and then be required to sit a formal set of exams which will be marked by both internal and external examiners. On completion of this course the student will find countless job opportunities within the world of finance such as Management Accountancy, Chartered Institutes and may also work in Private Sector offering Financial Advisory Services.

LLB Law Course

LLB Law is a three year course which will provide the student with an excellent foundation for a long and fruitful career in law. With law graduates being highly sought after in the modern day, taking and completing this course will open many doors for the right individuals. The first year of this course is designated as a free period of study entitling the student to choose any subject they would like to study; this is of course subject to approval by the course moderator.

Once the first year is completed the final two years will be made up of a wide range of modules for the student to choose from which include; Environmental Law which covers all factors regarding the natural environment such as treaties, conventions, statutes, regulations and common law which are broken down into two categories being pollution and remediation. Intellectual Law which is the study of exclusive property rights for products and services including copyright, trademarks and patents. Corporate Law which aims to teach the student how directors, shareholders, employees and creditors interact with each other under the internal rules of a given firm. Media Law which concentrates in the entertainment industry and all topics within such as contracts and trademarks. Why not read the Learning to be a great Manager guide.

These are just a few of modules the student may take in this exciting and current course. The student will be scored through their module work and also will also need to sit a final set of exams near the completion of the course. For a successful student there will be a broad range of job opportunities available on completion of the course such as becoming a Legal Executive, Solicitor and Barrister or if none of these appeal the candidate could opt for work in the Public Sector or in the Legal Enforcement and Regulation Services among others.

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